Parent » Parent Involvement Policy

Parent Involvement Policy

District Policy for Parent Involvement in Lighthouse Public Schools


Education succeeds best when there is a strong partnership and communication between home and schools. As key players in the education of their children, parents are involved in developing a policy which will achieve maximum effectiveness in the ties between home and school so that children will benefit from their time at school and the services provided by the Title I, Part A program. The parent involvement policy is one that is subject to change and revision in order to remain effective in meeting the needs of children who live in a constantly changing society. Parents and school personnel work together to achieve such a policy.



1. Requirement: Involve parents in the joint development of the plan.
How Achieved: Notices of meetings, meeting agendas, and minutes reflect parent participation. An interpreter is provided if requested by the parent.


2. Requirement: Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance.
How Achieved: School personnel are primarily responsible for these areas. Coordination, assistance, and support is achieved by providing a site and scheduling meetings to be as convenient as possible for parents to attend by scheduling some Title I meetings at a time when parents are coming to school for other activities such as.


3. Requirement: Build the district’s and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement.
How Achieved: The school district listens to parents’ concerns and suggestions and attempts to respond to these things. Communication between the home and the school is vital for strong involvement, and the district provides various avenues for communication. Parents are encouraged to phone or personally contact their child’s teacher or administrator; Monthly newsletters provide current information; and progress reports are sent home prior to regular report cards if a student is having academic problems; and parents are contacted regarding any other areas where a one-on-one discussion is deemed necessary by school personnel.



4. Requirement: Conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic quality of Title I, Part A schools, including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in Title I, Part A activities, and use the finding of such evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental involvement.
How Achieved: Parents and school personnel formulate a survey to be broadcasted out to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy and to solicit ideas for improvements and/or additional activities for consideration.


5. Requirement: Involve parents in the activities of Title I, Part A schools.
How Achieved: Parents are encouraged to do the following:
(1) Read and discuss the student handbook prior to signing and returning to school;
(2) Emphasize the importance of education and encourage participation in school activities;
(3) Stay informed about your child’s activities by attending parent conferences and other parent meetings;
(4) Learn about the curriculum, student support services, and activities offered by the district;
(5) Become familiar with the academic program and review teaching materials, textbooks, and other instructional aids;
(6) Examine tests that your child has taken;
(7) Monitor your child’s progress and contact teachers, the counselor, or the principal as needed;
(8) Call the office to schedule appointments;
(9) Review your child’s records when needed;
(10)Volunteer at school;
(11)Familiarize yourself with federally funded programs such as Title I that provide important educational support services for the school;
(12)Attend Board meetings to learn more about the operations of the district;
(13)Follow up on a matter not resolved administratively by presenting it to the Board for review according to policy; and
(14)Be aware of your right to temporarily remove your child from an instructional activity that conflicts with your religious or moral beliefs, within the guidelines of law.